3.1 3D Secure Authentication
3.1.1 Request Body
3D Secure Authentication. The resulting Authentication Response (ARes) can either be the final message due to a frictionless flow or lead to a challenge flow
Base link for the endpoint is https://api.sekuritance.com/{{endpoint}}.
Event | Request Type | Endpoint |
3D Secure Authentication | POST | /v2/cards/auth |
3.1.2 For Request and Response body JSON Sample
To check the the request and response of the body please check the URL: https://sekuritance.readme.io/reference
3.1.3 Request Body Parameters Description
This is a detailed description of each parameter in the request body.
Body Paramater | Data Type | Description |
accountId | String | Additional information about the account. Required for VISA cards |
accountType | string | Valid Values: "NOT_APPLICABLE""CREDIT""DEBIT""USABLE_BY_CARD_SCHEMES" Indicates the type of account. Required for VISA cards. |
acquirerBIN | integer | Required Acquirer BIN assigned by the Directory Server |
acquirerMerchantId | integer | Required Acquirer-assigned Merchant identifier |
addressesMatch | boolean | Indicates whether the Cardholder Shipping Address and Cardholder Billing Address are the same. |
authenticationRequestType | string | Required Valid Values: "PAYMENT_TX""RECURRING_TX""INSTALMENT_TX""ADD_CARD""MAINTAIN_CARD""CARDHOLDER_VERIFICATION""RESERVED_FOR_DS_USE" Indicates the type of Authentication request |
billingAddress | Object | Billing Address. Required for Mastercard |
addressLine1 | string | Address Line 1 |
addressLine2 | string | Address Line 2 |
addressLine3 | string | Address Line 3 |
city | string | Address City |
country | Object | Address Country |
country | string | |
displayCountry | string | |
displayLanguage | string | |
displayName | string | |
displayScript | string | |
displayVariant | string | |
extensionKeys | Object: Array of strings | |
iso3Country | string | |
iso3Language | string | |
language | string | |
script | string | |
unicodeLocaleAttributes | Object: Array of strings | |
unicodeLocaleKeys | Object: Array of strings | |
postalCode | string | Address Line 3 |
state | string | Address State |
browserAcceptHeader | boolean | Required Exact content of the HTTP accept headers as sent to the 3DS Requestor from the Cardholder’s browser |
browserColorDepth | integer | Value representing the bit depth of the colour palette for displaying images, in bits per pixel. Obtained from Cardholder browser using the screen.colorDepth property. In case the actual value does not exist in the allowed values, use the closest lower value |
browserJSEnabled | boolean | Required Boolean that represents the ability of the cardholder browser to execute Javascript |
browserLanguage | string | Required Value representing the browser language as defined in IETF BCP47 |
browserScreenHeight | string | Required Total height of the Cardholder’s screen in pixels |
browserScreenWidth | string | Required Total width of the cardholder’s screen in pixels |
browserTimezone | string | Required Cardholder browser local timezone example: UTC+2 |
browserUserAgent | string | Required Exact content of the HTTP user-agent header |
cardExpiryDate | string | Card Expiry Date |
cardNumber | string | Required Card Number that will be used in the authorisation request for payment transactions |
cardholderName | string | Cardholder Name |
challengeCallbackURL | Object | Required Fully qualified URL of the system that receives the CRes message or Error Message |
authority | string | |
content | Object | |
defaultPort | integer | |
deserializedFields | URLStreamHandler (object) | |
file | string | |
host | string | |
path | string | |
port | integer | |
protocol | string | |
query | string | |
ref | string | |
serializedHashCode | integer | |
userInfo | string | |
emailAddress | string | Email Address |
ipAddress | string | IP address the browser is connecting from |
mcc | string | Required DS-specific code describing the Merchant's type of business, product or service |
merchantCountryCode | Object | Required Merchant Country Code |
country | string | |
displayLanguage | string | |
displayLanguage | string | |
displayName | string | |
displayScript | string | |
displayVariant | string | |
extensionKeys | Object: Array of strings | |
iso3Country | string | |
iso3Language | string | |
language | string | |
script | string | |
unicodeLocaleAttributes | Object: Array of strings | |
unicodeLocaleKeys | Object: Array of strings | |
variant | string | |
merchantName | string | Required Merchant name |
messageCategory | string | Required Valid Values: "PAYMENT""NON_PAYMENT""THREED_RESERVED" Merchant name |
mobileNumber | Object | Mobile number. Required for VISA and Mastercard |
countryCode | string | |
number | string | |
payTokenInd | string | Valid Values: Required if payTokenInd is true. This data element will be populated by the system residing in the 3-D Secure domain where the de-tokenisation occurs |
phoneNumber | Object | Phone number. Required for VISA and Mastercard |
countryCode | string | |
number | string | |
purchaseAmount | Object | Required Purchase amount |
amount | number | Transaction amount |
currency | string | Three letter currency code ISO 4217 |
purchaseDate | string | Required Purchase Date & Time |
purchaseInstalmentData | integer | Indicates the maximum number of authorisations permitted for instalment payments (from 2 to 999). Required if authenticationRequest is INSTALMENT_TX |
recurringExpiry | string | Date after which no further authorisations shall be performed. This is a required field for recurring transactions, we suggest setting it at a reasonably high value if you don't have a defined expiry date. Required if authenticationRequest is INSTALMENT_TX or RECURRING_TX |
recurringFrequency | integer | Indicates the minimum number of days between authorisations. Required if authenticationRequest is INSTALMENT_TX or RECURRING_TX |
requestorURL | Object | Required Fully qualified URL of the Merchant website or customer care site. This data element provides additional information to the receiving 3-D Secure system if a problem arises and should provide contact information. |
authority | string | |
content | Object | |
defaultPort | integer | |
deserializedFields | URLStreamHandler (object) | |
file | string | |
host | string | |
path | string | |
port | integer | |
protocol | string | |
query | string | |
ref | string | |
serializedHashCode | integer | |
userInfo | string | |
shipping | Object | Shipping Address. Required for Mastercard |
addressLine1 | string | |
addressLine2 | string | |
addressLine3 | string | |
city | string | |
country | Object | Address Country |
country | string | |
displayCountry | string | |
displayLanguage | string | |
displayName | string | |
displayScript | string | |
displayVariant | string | |
extensionKeys | Object: Array of strings | |
iso3Country | string | |
iso3Language | string | |
language | string | |
script | string | |
unicodeLocaleAttributes | Object: Array of strings | |
unicodeLocaleKeys | Object: Array of strings | |
variant | string | Address Line 3 |
postalCode | string | |
state | string | Address State |
threeDSCompletedIndicator | string | Required Valid Values: "COMPLETED""FAILED""UNAVAILABLE" Indicates whether the 3DS Method successfully completed |
threeDSServerTransactionID | string | Required Universally unique transaction identifier assigned by the 3DS Server to identify a single transaction. |
transactionReference | string | Required Merchant unique transaction identifier |
transactionType | string | Valid Values: "GOODS""CHECK_ACCEPTANCE""ACCOUNT_FUNDING""QUASI_CASH""PREPAID_ACTIVATION_AND_LOAD" Identifies the type of transaction being authenticated. Required for VISA |
Updated about 4 years ago